
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Transformation From Old to Glamorous

Today's project was taking an old worn out planter that belonged in the dump and transforming it into a glamorous new planter. 

This is what I started with. It was old and crusty. 

Nobody would want this old thing in their house or on their patio. 
With some ASP Old Violet and some gilding wax I actually think this looks somewhat glamorous. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


For those DIY'ers out there. This is a great blog from Robyn Story Designs and Boutique about Artisian Enhancements products. 
It is worth reading.  I am putting my order in for Pearl Plaster tonight.  Can hardly wait to try it out.

Robyn Story Designs and Boutique: ARTISAN ENHANCEMENTS TIPS AND DESCRIPTIONS: ROBYN STORY DESIGNS is now stocking ARTISAN ENHANCEMENTS PRODUCTS!!! These products are user friendly, eco friendly and produce the...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vintage Tri Fold Mirror What to do?

I was the winning bidder for this awesome tri-fold mirror at an auction last year.  I am  guessing this is from the the 20's or 30's  but I am not sure. 

 I am ready to revitalize this mirror.  I like it the way it is but some of the wood is beat up. So I am thinking about painting. Maybe a soft white. What do you think?  

I am Proud To Be From Sandy Hook CT

Yes I am so proud to be from a town that has chosen to move forward with love instead of letting a tragedy define them.  I'd like to share a few valentines this week and urge you to check out the Sandy Hook Promise.  Feel free to chose your own valentine to share.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cool And Cheap Way to Fill the Blank Wall

We had a large empty space between the top of my daughter's dresser and the bottom of her flat screen TV.  I thought it would look cool to put up a few pictures of her face when she was little. My first inclination was to take some old pictures and use the COSTCO photo center to create some square canvases. But I wanted 3 and at $35 a pop that was going to add up to over $100.
I decided it was time to use the Mod Podge that I had bought. So I had COSTCO print three 12x 12 photos at $2.99 a piece. I then took some foam board I had and cut pieces to the size of the pictures.  I used the Mod Podge to decoupage the pictures to the foam board.

And the end result was a very cheap and cool way to fill an empty space.

And here is a pic showing the a very quick way of decoupaging the pictures with a bottle of Mod Podge.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

One Awesome Light Can Make the Difference

I don't think I was really aware of what a huge impact one light fixture can have on a room until I saw the awesomeness  added to Alison's room. Here are some pictures where you can really get the idea of that WOW impact.

These photos were obtained from  - a blog with beautiful pictures out of Australia. Enjoy.

Saturday, September 22, 2012