
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Transformation From Old to Glamorous

Today's project was taking an old worn out planter that belonged in the dump and transforming it into a glamorous new planter. 

This is what I started with. It was old and crusty. 

Nobody would want this old thing in their house or on their patio. 
With some ASP Old Violet and some gilding wax I actually think this looks somewhat glamorous. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


For those DIY'ers out there. This is a great blog from Robyn Story Designs and Boutique about Artisian Enhancements products. 
It is worth reading.  I am putting my order in for Pearl Plaster tonight.  Can hardly wait to try it out.

Robyn Story Designs and Boutique: ARTISAN ENHANCEMENTS TIPS AND DESCRIPTIONS: ROBYN STORY DESIGNS is now stocking ARTISAN ENHANCEMENTS PRODUCTS!!! These products are user friendly, eco friendly and produce the...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vintage Tri Fold Mirror What to do?

I was the winning bidder for this awesome tri-fold mirror at an auction last year.  I am  guessing this is from the the 20's or 30's  but I am not sure. 

 I am ready to revitalize this mirror.  I like it the way it is but some of the wood is beat up. So I am thinking about painting. Maybe a soft white. What do you think?  

I am Proud To Be From Sandy Hook CT

Yes I am so proud to be from a town that has chosen to move forward with love instead of letting a tragedy define them.  I'd like to share a few valentines this week and urge you to check out the Sandy Hook Promise.  Feel free to chose your own valentine to share.